Drinking jenga ideas blocks
Drinking jenga ideas blocks

If the puller refuses, they have to take a shot.

  • Story It: the puller has to allow the group to make a decision on what to post as their Snapchat or Instagram story.
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors: the first person the puller locks eyes with after taking the block, they must do a game of rock, paper, scissors with.
  • Lose a Layer: the puller has to ditch an article of clothing or take a shot.
  • Whenever they mess up, they must take a drink.
  • British Accent: the puller must talk in a British accent for the rest of the game.
  • No Cursing: next person to curse has to finish their entire drink.
  • Single: everyone that’s single has to drink.
  • #Drinking jenga ideas blocks android

    Android Users Drink: this one is just because they deserve a little punishment.The last person to touch the wall has to take a drink. Touch the Wall: once this one is pulled, everyone has to touch the wall no matter where they are in the room.

    drinking jenga ideas blocks

    For every wrong guess, they have to take a sip of their drink. Underwear: the puller has to guess everyone’s underwear that’s playing.Rhyme: beginning with the player who pulled, go around in a circle rhyming with the word the puller chooses.

    drinking jenga ideas blocks

    Google It: share your most recent Google search with everyone (must show proof!) or do a shot.Text Your Ex: either text your ex or do a shot.Waterfall: a classic, everyone has to begin chugging their drink beginning with the player who pulled the block, you can’t stop drinking until the person to your right does.Here are a couple of our favorite Jenga drinking game ideas to get you started: We suggest that before playing, grab some like-minded friends to write on a couple of blocks, too, so they aren’t only your ideas. Tasks can range from just about anything you want.

    Drinking jenga ideas blocks